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I’m about to introduce you to a woman who is proof positive that the mission her organization passionately pursues on a daily basis works amazingly well.
My guest, DeLashea Strawder, is the Executive Director and Artistic Director of the Mosaic Youth Theatre of Detroit—a creative youth development organization. In other words, Mosaic is a nonprofit organization which helps to unleash and explore the creative talents of young people all while developing leadership skills which will serve them the rest of their lives.
DeLashea first learned about the organization in middle school, and after much prodding in high school by friends and teachers, she auditioned for and was accepted to Mosaic Youth Theatre of Detroit and participated until she graduated. And though she never planned to return to Mosaic after graduation and heading off to college, the universe had other plans.
As you listen to DeLashea’s story, you’ll be inspired by her strong commitment to both her career and her family, and you might be surprised how a turn in her grandparents’ health turned DeLashea’s plans upside down…but her journey into discovering her purpose in life right side up.
I really appreciated DeLashea’s vulnerability as she shared about the intersectionality of being a young, black, woman running an established nonprofit in Detroit and the courage she has every day to lift up other people and make sure that the conversations that need to be had are had.
You’re gonna love this interview with wife and mother of four, DeLashea Strawder, the Executive and Artistic Director of Mosaic Youth Theatre of Detroit.
🎧 Click here to listen to this episode:
About DeLashea Strawder

A champion of arts and culture and its inherent ability to motivate, empower and mobilize, DeLashea Strawder celebrates every opportunity to inspire individuals and communities to embrace the arts as vehicles for positive change. She is the Executive & Artistic Director of the internationally acclaimed Mosaic Youth Theatre of Detroit, a creative youth development organization that uses the arts to mentor, empower, and support youth to thrive. As an artist and arts administrator working at the intersection of education, arts & culture, and social justice Strawder knows firsthand how music and theater can foster engagement, transform communities, increase opportunity, and promote equity.
🔗 Mosaic Youth Theatre of Detroit:
Website: https://mosaicdetroit.org/
Donate: https://mosaicdetroit.org/donate-now/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MosaicDetroit/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mosaicdetroit/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mosaicyouththeatre/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mosaicdetroit
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/mosaictheatredetroit
🙌 Connect with DeLashea Strawder
DeLashea Strawder
(Dee-La-Shay Strawder)
she | her | hers
Executive & Artistic Director
P: (313) 872-6910 x4015
F: (313) 872-6920
E: delashea@mosaicdetroit.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DeLashea/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/delashea-strawder-00686759/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/delasheamya
🔗 Mentioned in This Episode: